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In Crimea, limit the allocation of land in protected park areas

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Автономна Республіка Крим


In Crimea, limit the allocation of land in protected park areas фото
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Until the end of this year, the Crimean authorities intend to clearly define the boundaries of Livadia, Massandra Miskhorsky and parks, to stop the encroachment on their territory.

For carrying out land works and the creation of projects of reconstruction of parks, monuments from the state budget will be allocated 2 million USD, says Business Capital.

Although the Livadia, Massandrovskiy and Miskhorsky parks were declared objects of natural reserve fund by Cabinet of Ministers of USSR in January 1960, they still do not have clearly defined boundaries. This uncertainty is beneficial to local authorities, who may dispose of land at their discretion, giving park area for the construction of mini-resorts and cottages, or shopping centers. And the challenge in the courts of their solutions are not so simple. Servants of Themis, ruling in favor of village councils, refer to the lack of formal boundaries of protected areas.

It is ironic, but that the organs of local legislative authority to give permission for the development of land management projects to establish the boundaries of parks. Therefore not surprising that Koreizsky, Livadia, Yalta Massandra village council and city council postponed consideration of the hard questions that needed to be taken to preserve the unique green spaces. But the current leadership of the ARC failed to break their resistance, and the last sessions of the four councils have taken appropriate solutions. Develop, agree and approve the land development projects to establish the boundaries of monuments of landscape architecture "Livadia", "Massandrovskiy", "Miskhorsky" in the government promised to ARC by the end of the year.

But it seems that surveyors expect many surprises. As told to "DS" Director of the State Administration of Livadia, Massandra and Miskhorsky parks-monuments of garden art of national significance Edward Blazhko, the most problematic is Miskhorsky Park, which is located in the Koreizskogo soviet.

According to the inventory in 1990 with an area of 23 hectares. Located there Sanatorium Mishor "," Ai-Petri "," Actor ", the medical wellness center" Lower Mishor and others have received state certificate to the right of permanent plots totaling 11 hectares. In theory, the use of State Administrations parks should go of 12 hectares, but as in reality it remains a free land, now will not tell anybody. "In recent years Koreizsky village council has allocated within the park about 6-7 hectares of land for commercial and residential construction. And the new land-users have already managed to get a state certificate to the lands "- says Mr. Blazhko.

No less difficult situation with Massandra park covers an area of 44.1 hectares, of which 75% is managed by the Yalta City Council and the rest - Massandra soviet. More than 7.7 hectare park by Massandra has long built-up villas and cottages, the owners of which is the whole package of documents confirming their ownership of the land. No hesitation in extending their possessions and placed in the buffer zone resorts and hotels, moving the fence for a few tens of meters.

A similar story and Livadia Park, which occupies 40.1 hectares. State certificate of land granted to multiple users of the land, including Livadia village council, which has 3 ha of land, and Livadiyskiyskomu palace, whose property is 1.03 hectares.

"The State Administrations parks developed legal documents for 35.93 hectares, but a problem with the registration of state certificate, as the last resort, the" border guards ", a beach which is adjacent to the Livadia Park, picked up his 15 hectare and has received state certif ownership" - Edward says Blazhko. According to him, the State Administration Parks appealed to the courts for more than a hundred claims for invalidating the decisions of local authorities to allocate land within the parks. If the court cancels the allotments on the state certificate, the owners will be obliged to carry objects constructed there and liberate the territory. Other Land Uses - motels, museums, private homes, which have documents of ownership, must commit themselves to protect land of natural reserve fund.
Business Capital


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